Direct mail
Numbers really stack up
Delivering great results with Direct mail
For many years, the team at Spitfire has been responsible for the creation, production and fulfilment, and response analysis, for all kinds of mailings for all kinds of businesses.
Get the package right and you’re onto a winner
Tailoring your mail campaign to your target audience
Analysis of response rates from high volume direct mail campaigns has provided us with valuable insights on creative and production in every aspect, from the quality of paper, to communication, layout and copy formatting.
At the other extreme however, creative ingenuity applied to a highly bespoke and targeted campaign can deliver exceptional response, and equally impressive conversion rates.
The bottom line is, whilst every client and every campaign is unique, we have a pretty good handle on what works, and what doesn’t.
Looking for help planning your next direct mail campaign?
Stay on target
Increasing the response rate for a Direct mail campaign
Change just one colour, and response rates can be affected
As a result of adjusting creative or a pack’s content by small amounts, we can identify factors that either suppress or increase response rates, and it can be down to one element, such as use of colour.
Our understanding of design has been developed through many years of searching for the strongest solutions to briefs, finding new ideas in print technology, cardboard engineering, new materials and applications.
It’s knowledge we share across all channels
Where statistical significance can prove an uplift in response from a ‘challenger’ pack against ‘control’, it provides learning that has implications across all forms of marketing, adding value to the work we produce for our clients.
Call 01489 854 716 or complete our online form and let’s get a date in the diary to discuss your goals… and how best to achieve them.
Let's focus on you...
In their words...